Out of the past


125 Years

November 24, 1893

The new gas holder of the Sidney Gas Light Co., on East North street has been completed. The work of putting in the required amount of water, about 275,000 gallons, was begun this morning about 10 o’clock. A connection was made with the water plug at North Miami avenue and Lane street and it will take until about midnight to put in the required amount of water. The holder will hold 50,000 cu. ft. of gas.


The report current in some localities that smallpox is prevalent in Shelby county is utterly without foundation. There is not and has not been a case in the town or county during the past 10 years.


A car load of Italian laborers passed through here on Nov. 10 on the Big Four this morning. They were from Cincinnati and were going to Quincy, where they will work on the Ohio Southern railroad.

100 Years

November 24, 1918

The Shelby County Memorial Association will hold a public meeting in the high school auditorium on Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock for the purpose of presenting memorials to the families of deceased veterans. The committee on arrangements includes: William P. Collier, H.E. Bennett, C.C. Kelly, Mrs. J.D. Barnes, Mrs. Ira Killian, Mrs. Robert E. Marshall, and Mrs. Paul Lauterbur.


Many hearts in the community will be made glad by the announcement that on next Sunday, Shelby county soldiers stationed at Camp Sherman will leave for their homes.


The following persons took the civil service examination at the court house today for the position of superintendent and matron at the county infirmary: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Redinbo, Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Hill. A representative from the state auditor’s office conducted the examination.


A report from Copenhagen states that German casualties up to Oct. 31 were 6,320,000 according to an official announcement.

75 Years

November 24, 1943

The Hon. John T. Brown, state director of agriculture, will be the guest speaker at the Kiwanis dinner meeting Wednesday evening at the Hotel Wagner. The dinner will feature presentation of trophies to the master farmers of Shelby county in the owner and renter class, an annual recognition sponsored by the Kiwanis club.


The Business Girls Association looked back 32 years to its original organization at the weekly supper meeting last evening, highlighted by the burning of the mortgage on the home on East Poplar street which the organization has occupied since 1921. Mrs. Elizabeth Murphey, president, was in charge of the impressive program.


An American flag was presented to the Holy Angels school by the Susan Mercer Warwick tent, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, during a ceremony at the school Friday afternoon. Miss Dorothy Frey, patriotic instructor for the tent, conducted the ceremonies, presenting the flag in honor on late Conrade Voskuhl, veteran of the Civil War.

50 Years

November 24, 1968

RUSSIA – The annual Shelby County Trustees and clerk association family dinner was served Thursday evening Nov. 14 in the Russia Community Center. Toastmaster was Elmer Limbert, president of the Association. Officers, Frank Woodell, James Woodell, James Bornhorst and Emerson Englehaupt were called on to speak briefly on the functions of the association.


There’s a bundle of Christmas shopping money awaiting some lucky person at Flint’s Electric where registration is under way for the Lucky Barrel. The name of John B. Huntzinger, R.R. 2, Sidney, was selected Tuesday at Shelby Hardware, but he had had signed for the $600 prize.

25 Years

November 24, 1993

Volunteers associated with the Humane Society have decided to stop investigating animal cruelty cases. The members, all of whom are volunteers, simply do not have sufficient time to pursue and complete the investigations. The decision was made by the Human Society spokesman, Jody Reed.


The United Way effort is at 95% of the goal. The goal this year is $825,000. The Division leaders are working hard. They are John Hoying, Rudy Keister, Mark Dunham, Mark Dunson, Ellen Freytag, Gay Smith, Steve Harlamert, Bill Barlow, Diane Knupp, Dave Fogle, Gary Harbison and Bill Frey.


The Fair Board voted to construct a new livestock building. Some old, existing buildings will be torn. The contractor for the new livestock building is Tom’s Construction from Mercer County. The contract price is $189,100.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org

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