H-H kindergarten screening set for April 2-3


HOUSTON — Hardin-Houston kindergarten registration and screening for 2020-2021 school year will be held April 2-3 at Hardin-Houston Local School. Screening times are 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.

Children who will be five years old on or before Aug.1 will be eligible for kindergarten.

In order to prepare, the school district is asking parents/guardians to schedule a screening appointment for the child as soon as possible from the district’s website www.hardinhouston.org.

During registration, the child will have an opportunity to meet kindergarten teachers and reading specialist as well as participate in screening for speech, hearing, vision and developmental readiness skills. While the child is in the screening, a kindergarten teacher and the school nurse will provide parents with some information.

• Bring the following to screening:

• Birth certificate (certified copy) .

• Immunization records: 5 DPT, 4 polio, 2 MMR (rubeolla, rubella, mumps), Chickenpox, and a Hepatitis B series (3)

• Copy of legal documents if custody is involved.

Administrators encourage all parents who have younger children to find a sitter during the appointment, as parents will be listening to presentations, filling out paperwork, and talking with the health nurse during the time the child is being assessed.

Parents should be aware of legislation (ORC 3321.01) which mandates attendance in and successful completion of kindergarten before a child enters first grade. This law underscores the importance of children being ready for kindergarten before they enroll. Research has shown children who turn five during the spring or summer months may be at risk in kindergarten simply because of their age. Hardin-Houston offers an all day, every day Young Fives program that is designed to help children prepare for the rigors of the regular kindergarten classroom. If a parent has a child who fits this description, administrators encourage the parent to bring him/her to screening.

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