Inquiring PhotographerWould you prefer to work at home or in an office?


Kevin Behr, of Sidney. “I prefer to work in the office. I have the type of business I have to work in the office and interact with my co-workers and clients on various projects.”

Erica Cruse, of Sidney. “It depends; working at home is nice because you do not have to go anywhere but there are the distractions of all the things that need done at home. Being at the office means you only have work and not the home distractions.”

Megan McKnight, of Sidney. “Home, I can’t sit in a chair that long.”

Sidney Police Chief Will Balling “A bit of both I think. At work there’s a lot more opportunities for face to face interaction but at home sometimes you can be more focused on the task at hand.”

Kevin Behr, of Sidney. “I prefer to work in the office. I have the type of business I have to work in the office and interact with my co-workers and clients on various projects.” Behr, of Sidney. “I prefer to work in the office. I have the type of business I have to work in the office and interact with my co-workers and clients on various projects.”

Erica Cruse, of Sidney. “It depends; working at home is nice because you do not have to go anywhere but there are the distractions of all the things that need done at home. Being at the office means you only have work and not the home distractions.” Cruse, of Sidney. “It depends; working at home is nice because you do not have to go anywhere but there are the distractions of all the things that need done at home. Being at the office means you only have work and not the home distractions.”

Megan McKnight, of Sidney. “Home, I can’t sit in a chair that long.” McKnight, of Sidney. “Home, I can’t sit in a chair that long.”

Sidney Police Chief Will Balling “A bit of both I think. At work there’s a lot more opportunities for face to face interaction but at home sometimes you can be more focused on the task at hand.” Police Chief Will Balling “A bit of both I think. At work there’s a lot more opportunities for face to face interaction but at home sometimes you can be more focused on the task at hand.”

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