He called


In the Hebrew language, the book of Leviticus is named Vayikra or He called. These are the first words of the book, indicating that Adonai called Moses to Him. This would have been at the Tabernacle since it was built in the final chapters of Exodus and at this time the Schechinah Glory rested there. Adonai called Moses there to give him instructions and to reassure him that the Tabernacle had been built to benefit Moses and all of Israel. So great was Adonai’s presence that it was seen in a form of a cloud above the Tabernacle by day and a pillar of fire by night.This overcame Moses in such a way that Adonai called him to come. To remove any thought of fear that Moses may have had.

In chapter four we come to the listing of the sin offerings. All offerings must be made voluntarily in order for the person to receive forgiveness, this is important to know, as it carries over to forgiveness to today. In this chapter, we also come across intentional sin and unintentional sin and the difference between them. There was no offering that could be offered for intentional sin for only Adonai can see a person’s heart and judge whether they have truly repented. No offering that one could ever give is sufficient to remove the stain of such sinfulness. This can only be done through sincere wholehearted repentance and a change of attitude through remorse by the transgressor. Even sins that are intentional but are made carelessly cannot be forgiven without wholehearted repentance.

Many times today repentance is forgotten and in some cases, repentance is not even taught in the Assemblies. Thus many do not understand the prayers of repentance and have too casual of an attitude about the seriousness of intentional sin. We all realize that unintentional sin is a sin that was never intended to happen. This could be a misunderstanding or something possibly taken out of context.

Something that is said or done without intent of damaging or hurting someone or something. For this one can seek forgiveness of the wronged person. However intentional sin crosses the line. A person must express remorse and seek forgiveness in a serious manner, not in hast. Serious repentance needs humility and genuine remorse.

A person that is humble and remorseful feels the guilt of the sin committed. This guilt that the person feels is the manifestation of the Spirit of Adonai convicting the Soul of the person of the sin committed. Thus the humble Soul feels the conviction of Adonai upon it and turns to its Creator and seeks His forgiveness. But if we lack remorseful repentance there is no forgiveness of the sin.

Just as He called Moses to the Tabernacle, He calls us to repentance, Y’Shua (Jesus) said “Repent and be immersed…”


By Pastor Ray Barnett

The writer is the pastor at House of Blessed Hope Assembly in Sidney. The church’s website is beitbaruchtikvah.net.

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