Truth — not the Supreme Court — sets us free


To the editor:

On Jan. 22, 1973, the Supreme Court overturned the laws of all the states when it legalized abortion on demand in a 7-to-2 vote. The New York Times said the debate was over. Of course, it was really just beginning! Pro-life groups began to form.

Pregnancy centers to assist those with problem pregnancies were established.

Along the way, there were women who had abortions and even abortion-clinic workers who experienced healing and came into the pro-life movement.

Last week, the Supreme Court took the law out of the hands of the states when it legalized same-sex marriage in a 5-to-4 vote. Since two of the justices had already officiated at same-sex ceremonies, they should have recused themselves from this decision. Much has already been written about how this decision and others in recent years have ignored the plain language of the Constitution in favor of creative interpretations and fictitious “rights.”

Media coverage of the ruling, however, has ignored other aspects of the cultural landscape which will continue to impact how this decision plays out.

1. Persons struggling with same-sex attractions but choosing not to engage in same-sex relations can find support and assistance in groups such as Courage:

2. There is a long list of persons who have already been fined or fired because of their refusal to violate their conscience by participating in same-sex ceremonies or even just for expressing their opposition to same sex unions:

3. African–American groups who oppose same-sex unions on the basis that it is not a civil right or biblical don’t get media attention even when it is dramatic: “The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), a faith-based coalition of 34,000 churches comprised of 15 denominations and 15.7 million African-Americans, has broken its fellowship with Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) following its recent vote to approve same-sex marriage.”:

I believe it is important to go beyond the often narrow narrative to which we have been exposed to get to the deeper issues involved. It is the truth — not the Supreme Court — that sets us free.

Mary Schmiesing


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