Candy corn: ‘My Divided House’


We have officially entered my favorite season. I love everything about it. The trees, the weather, the football, it all changes so quickly I feel like if I blink, I’ll miss it. Along with all of the wonderful things about Fall, comes an annual discussion about one of the most divisive topics in our home: candy corn.

It is my long-held belief that candy corn tastes terrible and should never be consumed. Yet, every year a jar of this disgusting candy ends up on my coffee table. My wife continues to tell me about how it reminds her of her childhood, but I’m not backing down. The funny thing is I have found that this debate goes on in many homes.

“To candy corn or not to candy corn, that is the question.”

I truly wish that this was the end of the divisiveness in our society. That the only thing that could separate God’s people is a small piece of candy, but unfortunately, it’s not. For over 2,000 years, Christians have found ways to create true division and pain. The kind of pain that takes the “Body of Christ” and tries to create “bodies of Christ”. We have become more comfortable exposing our differences than rallying around the Gospel that unites us.

The Apostle Paul, a man who thrived on division as a Pharisee, had a complete change of heart after his encounter with Christ. In a letter written to a church in the city of Colossae, he pointed this new group of believers to a different approach:

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” – Colossians 3:15

Paul knew what I think we all know. There will always be differences of opinion. We are never going to agree on everything. Yet, because of the peace of Christ ruling in our hearts, our disagreements do not have to create division. We can see things differently and remain one body. In fact, when we are able to do this, we allow the one thing that unites us to be more visible than all the things we see differently.

What is that one thing? It’s Jesus. His life, death, and resurrection are the reason we commit our lives to Him.

My prayer for you throughout this season, is that you will find ways to let the peace of Christ rule in your heart. It’s what we have been called to. It is why Jesus came to this Earth, to mend the division between humanity and God. I pray that our lives will reflect this truth, as we journey with one another…one candy corn at a time.

By Tim Riley

Your pastor speaks

The writer is the lead pastor at Connection Point Church of God, Sidney.

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