Minster rewrites levy for November election


MINSTER — As planned at previous meetings, the Village of Minster will still place a 3 mil, 3-year Fire and Emergency levy on the Nov. 8 ballot.

However, at the village council meeting on Monday, July 30, an earlier resolution was rescinded and a new resolution was approved that will allow for two additional actions.

For one, Jackson Township will place a similar levy request before voters for a 3 mil, 3-year levy on the same November ballot.

The second reason for council’s action is that an approved levy will allow earlier assessments. According to village administrator Dona Harrod, the rewritten language will allow assessments to begin in 2018, with collection starting in 2019. It was previously thought assessment could not begin until 2019.

Auglaize County Auditor Janet Schuler was at the meeting to certify the amount anticipated will be collected from the levy and to receive signed paperwork for the updated levy.

This levy is being sought after the council’s safety committee determined that the current 10 mil did not provide sufficient funding to support the village’s Fire and Emergency services.

If passed, the village levy will raise $289,600 annually. Village Administrator Don Harrod said that the millage is for home’s assessed value, rather than market price. “This means a house assessed at $100,000 will have annual cost of $105.”

The purpose of the levy is to pay for stipends of the volunteer firemen and EMTs, as well as allow funding for the purchase of new equipment as the need arises.

By Sandy Rose Schwieterman

For the Sidney Daily News

This writer is a regular contributor to the Sidney Daily News.

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