Village connection


OSGOOD — St. Nickolas parish pictures will be taken in March. There is need for volunteers to man the check in table. Please call the pastoral office if you can help.

If you wish to order a extra directory, mark your envelope Parish Directory along with your name and phone number with $10. Drop in the collection or mail it to the pastoral office. You will receive a free directory if you have your picture taken.

• St. Nickolas and St. Louis Ladies Retreat given by Jeanne Hunt speaking on the subject “What is in Your Purse” on Saturday, March 11. Breakfast and lunch will be serves. Please sigh up at any church entrance by March 1 for food count.

• The Osgood Legion held their Euchre tournament on Thursday, Feb. 9, and the winners were Thelma Ruchty, Urban Seger, Urban Seger and Bob Grieshop.

• The Osgood legion will be serving barbecue chicken dinners on Sunday, Feb. 19. Serving begins at 11 a.m. until sold out.

By Jude Grieshop

The writer is a regular contributor to the Sidney Daily News.

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