Fort Loramie American Legion Auxiliary discusses donations, upcoming events


FORT LORAMIE — Fort Loramie American Legion Auxillary, Post 355, held their last meeting of 2020 on Dec. 14.

VA&R Chairperson Sue Hoying, with the help of several junior members, reported donations at the Fort Loramie Schools. All donations were boxed and brought to the VA. There were over 300 items donated.

Deb Albers stated membership goal is 190 and approximately 45 members are unpaid at the present time.

Angels in Demand will present gift cards of $50 each to all active members.

It was decided not to host Bar Bingo in December, due to the season as well as other activities. The February Bar Bingo will be held on Feb. 12, 2021, and volunteers are needed for the event.

Another Spring Raffle will be held in April, and plenty of tickets are still available. Six winners will be drawn.

The District Meeting scheduled for February has been cancelled. The midwinter conference was also cancelled but has been rescheduled for March.

Auxiliary volunteers collected donations for the Poppy Drive for the Veterans. Locations were at Wagners IGA, Caseys, Auxiliary Bar Bingo and the American Legion Chicken Fry.

Buckeye Girls forms have been brought to school for junior girls; delegates will be picked soon.

Chaplain Jeanne Boerger brought poinsettias to the Nursing Home Auxiliary members for Christmas.

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