Out of the past


125 Years

June 3, 1896

The 26th annual banquet of the Sidney High school alumni association was held in the armory last night. There were 100 persons present to enjoy the elegant menu served by C.A. Sexauer, of Piper Brothers, assisted by Jesse L. Frazier, Roy Carothers, Sam Arbuckle, and Charles Royon, Claude DeWeese, Stanley Livingston, Eugene Pence, and Will Rostron.


The following officers were elected by the members of the high school alumni association last evening: Ernest C. Amos, president; Ernest Given, vice president; Miss Raeburn Epler, secretary; and Robert Marshall, treasurer.


At the meeting of the fire department last night, George Coil, Isaac Walters, and William O’Leary, minutemen, handed in their resignations. They were accepted and Martin McNeal, John Smith and Charles Worthington were appointed in their places.

100 Years

June 3, 1921

Dr. A.B. Gudenkauf is spending several weeks in Boston where he is taking a post-graduate course in the medical department of Harvard University.


Harold Littlejohn, of Pemberton, has been awarded one of the five scholarships given by the College of Agriculture at Ohio State University, for making one of the higher averages on a competitive examination recently.


Some 40 musicians responded to the call for the meeting last evening to organize the new Sidney band. Prof. B.O. Worrell, who will take over direction of the band, arrived in town yesterday afternoon from Iowa, and met with the members following a dinner meeting last night. He will immediately start band rehearsals looking to the first public concert in three weeks.

75 Years

June 3, 1946

The hazardous St. Marys pike railroad bridge northwest of the city on State Route 29, scene of numerous accidents over the years, may at long-last be replaced by a modern structure. The Department of Highways announced today that bids would be opened on June 25 for the replacement of the narrow span over the B. & O. railroad. The contract is to be completed no later than October 31, 1947.


Five bids were received by the city today for the two deep well turbine pumps to serve the new wells being drilled near the water works. G.W. Jackson and Son of Celina, was the apparent low bidder on the two pumps. The Celina firm is drilling the two wells and on one has reached the depth of 150 feet, expecting to have to go another 75 feet.


Edith and Charles Dougherty have resumed charge of the E. and C. market on Highland avenue, just off Michigan street, repurchasing the lease on the store from Sam Love who has been operating the grocery for the past several months.

50 Years

June 3, 1971

The average maximum May temperature was only 68 degrees compared to 71 degrees average for the past 19 years and an average of 75 degrees last year.

Dave Fette, local U.S. Government weather observer, also reported that the rainfall was a little less than the 19-year average and more than an inch less than last year. Rainfall amounted to 3.41 during the month.


Small amusing gifts, to help each PTA officer through his office in the coming school year, were given when the installation was held at Longfellow School.

The PTA officers for the coming year are Edgar Teets, president; Mrs. Larry Magee, president-elect; Mrs. Robert Phillips, secretary; and Ken Fulton, treasurer.

25 Years

June 3, 1996

From attempting to enlist more help from the public to solve crimes to making young children more comfortable with officers, Deputy Cori Sidle is taking a new approach to law enforcement.

Sidle has been busy the pasts several month molding the Shelby County Sheriff’s Department’s community policing position, a job created through the county’s receiving a federal COSFAST grant. The funds for the new position are derived from an anti-crime bill passed last year by Congress.


He’s only 16 years old, but he has vigorously campaigned for Shelby County officials, shaken hands with News Gingrich and said “Cheese” with Bob Dole.

Eric Leckey, a junior at Fairlawn High School and son of Janice and Steve Leckey, both of Sidney, walked side by side with U.S. Rep. John Boehner, R., through the streets of Washington D.C.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org

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