Morris address Rotary Club


SIDNEY — Jeremy Morris, director of Samaritan Works Inc., addressed a recent meeting of the Sidney Rotary Club.

Samaritan Works is located in downtown Sidney on the Sidney First United Methodist Church campus.

Morris outlined the program offered by Samaritan Works to those in need. The program is not limited to Shelby County residents, he said, and it is not just a rehab program. Although the majority of residents are there for heroine issues, the program is not limited to that and helps individuals with other drug and alcohol addictions. To be admitted to the program, an individual must admit he has a problem, show a clean drug screen, pay rent and program fees of $100 per week, find full-time employment, commit to six-month program, although a stay can be up to 18 months, not use any prescribed narcotic medications, and have no sex offender convictions.

Morris said that those in the program need a routine and structure. They are held accountable for their actions to ensure they are following the program. This includes surprise inspections and drug testing up to three or four times a week. The goal is for the residents to become productive citizens in the community, he said.

Staff report

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