Hardin-Houston BOE makes appointments, hires staff


HOUSTON — The Hardin-Houston Board of Education met Monday, Jan. 11 for a regular meeting and it’s reorginizational meeting.

The board Bill Clark as president and Steve Mowery as vice-president of the board for 2016. They also appointed Joel Knouff as Legislative Liasion for 2016.

They approved the amount of $3,000 for the Board Service Fund for 2016 and adopted the rate of $50 per meeting, not to exceed 15 meetings per calendar year.

The board established the regular meeting dates for the Board of Education for the 2016 calendar year for the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m.

They appointed Superintendent Larry Claypool as purchasing agent and Bill Clark as alternate purchasing agent for 2016.

The board approved the following committees:

• Finance/Audit: Steve Mowery and Bill Clark

• Technology: Steve Mowery and Jason Shaffer

• Curriculum: Joel Knouff and Jason Shaffer

• Building/Transportation: Wes Maier and Joel Knouff

• Community Foundation of Shelby County: Bill Clark and Wes Maier

They also authorized:

• The treasurer to borrow money, invest funds, request advance draws from the county auditor, and make transfers and advances as necessary.

• The superintendent and treasurer to attend meetings/conferences in interest of the school district.

• The superintendent to accept resignations between board meetings.

• The superintendent to hire employees between board meetings.

In the regular meeting the board:

• Approved all treasurer recommendations.

• Employed Elizabeth Schrubb, effective Jan. 19, 2016, as a regular route bus driver at $23.43 per hour, contingent upon successful background check and proper licensure.

• Employed Jamie Riffell, as Reserve Baseball Coach, for the 2015-2016 school year, at a rate of $1,562.22, contingent upon successful background check.

• Approved the 2016 Eighth Grade Washington D.C. trip from Oct. 24-29, 2016.

The board wants to share with the public that the general purpose financial statement for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, has been completed and is available for review at Hardin-Houston School, in the treasurer’s office. Those seeking information should contact Amy Ayers, treasurer, between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. at 937-295-3010 ext. 3002.

The next regular board meeting will be Monday, Feb. 15 at 7 p.m. in the Media Center.

Staff report

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