Houston royalty to be crowned Dec. 17


HOUSTON — Houston’s homecoming festivities kick off with the homecoming band show and crowning at 6 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 17. Following the crowning the Boys junior varsity and varsity Wildcats will host the Botkins Trojans for the homecoming games.

On Saturday, Dec. 18, the court will preside over the homecoming dance. The theme for the dance is Disco Fever. The dance will take place in the Houston High School Commons, beginning at 8 p.m., with music by T&A Entertainment. The dance is sponsored by the Houston Student Council.

Crown Bearers are second graders Cooper Poeppelman, son of Joe and Stephanie Poeppelman, of Houston, and Paulina Mummey, daughter of Corey and Tiffany Mummey, of Houston. Freshman attendants are Skylar Bowman, son of Tim Bowman, of Versailles, and Tammy Bowman, of Sidney, and Sara Loraine, daughter of James and Chris Loraine, of Sidney

Sophomore attendants are Jaxon Douglas, son of Tonya and the late J.S. Douglas, of Sidney, and

Kayla Winner, daughter of Ted and Jodie Winner, of Sidney. Junior attendants are Hayden Mowery, son of Steve and Sara Mowery, of Sidney, and Katelynn Rockwood, daughter of Michael and Bobbi Rockwood, of Houston.

Senior king candidates are Ryan Ely, son of Mike and Dawn Ely, of Sidney; Ethan Funk, son of Jeff Funk, of Sidney, and Michelle Wagner, of Houston; and Luke Ryan, son of Tim and Janis Ryan, of Houston.

Senior queen candidates are Keirstin Ludwig, daughter of Tim and Shirley Ludwig, of Sidney; Megan Maier, daughter of Ryan and Gina Maier, of Houston; and Rylie Voisard, daughter of Luke and Kim Voisard, of Sidney.







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