The Days of Awe


As we read this article we find ourselves in the middle of what in our faith we call the Days of Awe. These are the 10 days between Yom Teruah/Feast of Trumpets ( Leviticus 23:24-25 and Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement ( Leviticus 23:26-31). On Yom Teruah we sound the Shofars ( rams horns). This is done to draw us to repentance. During these Days of Awe we search ourselves deeply to find any small or large transgression we may have made during the past year.

This does not mean that we can not or do not repent of a sin or transgression during the rest of the year, but during these 10 days, we search deep within ourselves. During this time we spend more time in prayer and reflection. These 10 days lead us to the Day of Atonement the holiest day of the year.

I, personally think that repentance is the key to many things. Many problems in our lives have to do with lack of repentance. You see, true repentance comes from the heart, not from the lips. A heart of repentance is one of remorse, without the showing of remorse ones repentance has no meaning, and without repentance, there is no forgiveness from Adonai.

So we look at the sounding of the Shofars as the signal to search our hearts and make repentance for anything that we have done against anyone and if we did something against anyone then we have sinned against Adonai. We must also repent of failing to do what Adonai commands us to do, hence our repentance becomes our obedience to bring us to His grace.

If we are not obedient to him and his word then what does our repentance really mean to him? Each time we are obedient we are rewarded, look at Noah, look at Abraham. Both were obedient and received His grace. It is only through repentance that we come to obedience. John the Immerser was calling people of his day to repentance, which would bring them to obedience.

Did YahShuah (Jesus) the Messiah asked others to lay down what they were doing and follow Him? Looking deeper into his words, could he have been saying, Repent and follow my words? He was about repentance, wasn’t he?

Is there place in your life for repentance? I know there is a place in mine ….

By Pastor Ray Barnett

The writer is the pastor at House of Blessed Hope Assembly in Sidney. The church’s website is

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