Are you ready for Jesus’ return?


Jesus could be returning anytime now. It is so important that we be ready for this very important event. I Thes. 4:17 is a verse I dearly love: “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord,” Do you realize the significance of this important verse? Once we are caught up with the Lord, we will be with Him whatever He does. When He presides at the Bema Judgment Seat where Christians are rewarded for their faithful service unto the Lord, we obviously will be there. When Christ judges sinners at the Great White Throne Judgment we will be there with Him. We as Christians are assured that Christ one day will have all our tears wiped away. (Rev.7:17) It is my belief that this must occur after this awful judgment because we are certain to weep when we see friends and loved ones being judged, their names not found in the Book of Life and then cast into the Lake of Fire.

After we are caught up certain nations will invade Israel according to Ezekiel 39 and cause great devastation but Christ will come down and destroy 5/6 of their armies. My friends, we will be there and witness that mighty response. When Christ reigns on earth with His throne in Jerusalem we will be there and witness that wonderful event and it will be so exciting.

Having said this, there is another side to the story. What happens to those who are not Christians and do not get caught up with the Body of Christ? They will be ruled by the Anti-Christ, also known as the Beast, and will be asked to receive a mark on their right hand and forehead. (Rev. 13:16,17) Those who are not caught up because they refused the salvation Christ purchased on the old rugged cross will face very difficult days ahead. Please do not receive that mark of the Beast because if you do you will be judged of God forever and have no hope of salvation. (Rev. 14:9-11) Those who refuse the mark will not be allowed to buy or sell. You can only imagine the difficulties this will produce. Not being allowed to buy gas for your car, food to eat, natural gas to heat your home etc. This will last for 7 years and is called the Tribulation. Many will turn to the Lord in that day and a great number of them will be martyred. We see those who were martyred desiring to have bodies in Rev. 6:9-11 and they will receive new bodies in time.

To be a Christian is such a delight. We have Christ in our hearts, our sins are washed away, we have peace with God and He watches over us like a loving father. We are ready to be caught up. I Cor. 15:22 says “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye—the dead are raised incorruptible and changed.” We that are alive receive new bodies and then caught up to meet the Lord in the clouds. This anticipation is absolutely thrilling because these new bodies are perfect and eternally healthy. No more sickness or death. We’ll see loved ones and friends who have gone ahead of us with death. We’ll see the Lord face to face for the first time and hopefully hear Him say, “Well done thy faithful servant”

As you read this article, the Lord’s return could be just days away. You want to be sure that you are a Christian and you can by praying this 10 second prayer: “Dear Lord I am a sinner. I turn from my sin and I accept you as my Savior. Wash me clean and give me eternal life. In Jesus name! Amen” Now you can be assured of being caught up with all the other Christians. Read your Bible daily and find a Bible Teaching Church to attend. I am so delighted to spend eternity with you!

By the Rev. Harold McKnight

Your pastor speaks

The writer is the pastor emeritus of the Christian Tabernacle in Sidney.

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