Power up through Jesus


I suppose that you have experienced a power outage in your home at some time or another. I have. Usually I look out to see if the neighbors have power or if they’re all dark as well. Our home is near a major supply line so generally if our power is out many others are down as well. It’s amazing how much you appreciate electricity, especially when you don’t have it. It’s inevitable that if the power is down for any length of time that I will walk into another room and flip the switch out of habit expecting the lights to come on. Then I typically feel like an idiot, no power in this room either!?

As Christians we have many great blessings that we benefit from and enjoy. We have the amazing gift of salvation through Jesus; peace, joy, security, and assurance that he has paid the price of our sin. We are free of sin’s destructive control over our life. We experience the love of the father and are accepted in his kingdom. We have the perspective of eternity knowing that this life is temporary and the glories of our eternal home we can not even imagine. We have the hope of reuniting and meeting our brothers and sisters in Christ from all generations and geographies. We have power and authority over the schemes of satan and his demonic minions … or do we?

In Mark 3:15 we see that Jesus sent His disciples out with “power to heal the sick and cast out demons.” In Luke 10:19 the disciples are given “authority greater than the power of the enemy” so that nothing could harm them. In Acts 1:8 Jesus promises the disciples “power through the Holy Spirit” to be witnesses to the end of the earth. In Acts 6:8 we see Stephen “full of faith and power”doing great signs and wonders. In First Corinthians 2:4-5 the apostle Paul states that the “power of the Spirit of God” demonstrates superiority over the wisdom of men. In Philippians 3:10 Paul invites us to know the “power of Christ’s resurrection” conforming us. In 2 Timothy 3:5 the unsaved may exhibit a “form of godliness but deny His power.” This is just a sampling from the New Testament speaking to us of the power available to Christians.

My experience reveals that we suffer some sort of power failure in the church. It appears that many folks are content to be Christians as long as they can continue to live life as they desire. Comfortable, maybe; powerful, not hardly. The true church, those in a genuine relationship with Christ, are destined to live powerful lives. The world that we live in is in great turmoil. Christ, through the church, by the power of Holy Spirit, equips us to turn back those demonic forces that are wreaking havoc in the world. Lying, cheating, violent, perverse, lustful, self-centered, mis-guided, destructive, controlling, manipulative people and agencies need Holy Spirit filled and empowered Christians to rescue them.

Many people are searching for an escape from the bondage that they are trapped in but where are the Spiritually powerful Christians who will intervene for them? We seem to have a power outage. Perhaps we’ve made Christianity too much about ourself instead of Christ’s desire that we would have a powerful witness of Christ working His Kingdom out through us.

If you are stuck in the comfort of your salvation maybe today would be a good time to ask Christ if there is more for you. Don’t fall for the contemporary logic that the power of the Holy Spirit only applies to a long-ago people. Christ established his church to demonstrate His power until He returns! Please don’t continue to live in powerlessness. You are called to much more than what you are living. It’s time to power-up!

Pray this if you dare; Jesus, thank you for loving me. Forgive me of my self-centered selfishness. Forgive me for believing my logic instead of your absolute wisdom. I surrender myself to you. May I fulfill the destiny that you have for me. Amen.


By Pastor John J. Settlage

Your pastor speaks

The writer is the pastor of Christ the King Church near Jackson Center.

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