American Trim encourages preparedness


We read about emergencies every day. Some of them impact a large area, like a hurricane, some of them are small in size, like a house fire. Large or small, disasters do happen. And they can happen in Shelby County. Being prepared can help us safely and effectively manage the situation. Do you know what to do in the event of an emergency?

Shelby County has a Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), made up of representatives from police, fire service, emergency management, community leaders and manufacturers, like American Trim.

The main emphasis of the LEPC is related to chemical emergency preparedness and response. Chemicals are found everywhere, in industry, farms, and in our transportation system. While normally handled properly, accidental chemical releases can occur. The LEPC has developed a comprehensive plan that helps our community better prepare and respond to this type of emergency. The plan also covers other potential hazards that could occur.

American Trim has been a member of the Shelby County LEPC for a number of years. Our participation provides the LEPC an industry perspective on how chemicals are properly handled and stored within a manufacturing facility, as well as input on preplanning and exercises to test the plan. We believe the LEPC plays a critical role in protecting our community.

The LEPC serves as the link between citizens, industry and government in emergency planning and preparedness for the community. Active participation by all is needed to ensure that the plan covers the types of emergencies we could experience in Shelby County. Your involvement could help the planning process.

For more information on the Shelby County LEPC, visit, or like us on Facebook at

By Dave Bonistall

Guest columnist

Bonistall is the safety and environmental director at American Trim in Sidney.

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