Vote for Nino Vitale on May 8


To the editor:

I checked the boxes for the Ohio 85th District House Representative, Nino Vitale.

Sponsored Protect the sanctity of life HB 565 Ban Abortion Bill with Ron Hood and co-sponsored by 18 House Republicans.

Sponsored HB 590 Stand Your Ground Legislation April, 2018 to counteract the Kasich/Henne HB 585 Gun Control Act.

Sponsored HB 179 Ban Sanctuary Cities in Ohio.

Sponsored HB 36 Ohio Pastor Protection Act, where in a rare move, The Catholic Bishops Conference of Ohio testified in full support of the legislation.

He protects the sanctity of life and is the only 85th District candidate endorsed by Ohio Value Voters, Ohio Right To Life and Right To Life Action Coalition. He is also the only 85th District candidate to receive the highest conservative rating from one of the most trusted sources in voter information, the iVOTER guide. He is also endorsed by the Ohio Republican Party.

Representative Vitale is 100 percent Pro-Life 100 percent of the time. He defends our Christian Values. He consistently opposes wasteful government spending. He voted against Kasich’s 4,500 page $64 billion operating budget.

He is a man of faith, a father of five and our Conservative Voice in the Ohio House of Representatives. Most of all — He has done what he said he would do when he took office.

A lot of folks skip the primary, thinking it is not as important as the general election. But, putting the best candidates on the general election ballot is the most important duty of an informed electorate. You can’t win the game if you don’t take the field. The founders believed that a well-informed electorate preserves our fragile democracy and benefits American society as a whole. Please visit or

The Primary, May 8, may well be the most pivotal election cycle in our lifetime.

Vote May 8 and check the box next to Representative Nino Vitale!

HR Pence


Vote for Nino Vitale on May 8

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