America is becoming a nation of hate


To the editor:

We are being manipulated to become a nation of hate, driven by the haters — the so-called, MSM, mega-rich, powerful, famous, elite and their wannabes and hangers-on. They have joined forces to create an environment where hate and anarchy can rule, where the haters rule and the rest of us bow down and do their bidding, accept their ideas, and the junk they need us to buy so they can continue their lifestyles. They enforce their control by defining what is and is not “politically correct,” enforcing it with terror, even on their own. Their control comes from turning us against each other in every way they can.

Haters don’t like the president? Use a lot of asterisk words to describe him and his family and tell us to cage his grandchild with pedophiles. Haters don’t like the vice-president” Set up a photo-op giving him the finger. Haters don’t like someone’s ideas. Cut them off the Internet and out of the news. Or tell a bunch of uneducated college students to go play at anarchy while the haters hind in their penthouses and laugh at them. Don’t like the law? Write laws that are for everyone — except them. Don’t like someone trying to do their job? Terrorize them and their family at home and in public. You don’t like men, physical men, in the ladies room? Tough. Seen any women, physical women, in the men’s room? Huh? And if the haters don’t have anything intelligent or constructive to say, lies and cursing are good alternatives. The haters always look so sincere while they apologize — and laugh at us.

There’s only one problem. Now that the haters have lit the flames of hate and anarchy, there’s no turning back. the haters think they con control it, but that control will be short lived before it turns back on them. They know this is true because they already surround themselves with armed guards. Why do we listen to them? We don’t have to listen to the haters while they try to take away our ability to think, our freedom to vote, our faith, and our very voices. We’re better than that. Why are they working so hard to take our freedom away? They’re afraid. But the haters are all where they want to be, at the top of the heap, and their greatest fear is that they will lose their status, their wealth, their looks, their fame — everything they think impresses others. God help them.

Ken Pipke,


America is becoming a nation of hate

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