Vote for Frye for Shelby County sheriff


To the editor:

While I am not eligible to vote in Shelby County, I would like to share with those of you who are, the fact that you are truly blessed to have the opportunity to elect Jim Frye as your next sheriff.

During my 40 years as an attorney, I have interacted with countless federal, state and local law enforcement officers all over Ohio. I have prosecuted those that crossed the line and defended those wrongfully accused. I have served as a training instructor and advisor to police officers. As a result, I believe I can offer a unique insight regarding Jim Frye. First and foremost, your community is fortunate to have a Sheriff’s Office that is widely respected for its competence and integrity. This does not happen by accident. Under the leadership of Sheriff Lenhart and Jim Frye, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office is an agency in which all the citizens may take great pride.

On a personal level, Jim is kind, respectful of others and a man of his word. It is not possible to be a good sheriff without being a good person. Jim Frye is a person you can count on to continue the excellence in law enforcement which Shelby County citizens have come to expect.

In summary, the old adage that if it ain’t broke don’t fix it clearly applies. Jim Frye will continue the legacy of excellence established by Sheriff Lenhart, who along with your outstanding prosecuting attorney Tim Sell, have endorsed Jim to be the next sheriff. Please join with them and vote for Jim Frye to be the next sheriff of Shelby County. He is worthy of your support.

Jose Lopez


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