Vote “yes” for the Sidney School levy Aug. 2


To the editor:

Recognizing the need to promote job opportunities in Sidney and Shelby County, the Workforce Partnership of Shelby County was created to align our workforce and education systems to respond to the skills needs of business and industry. The Partnership works closely with schools and industry to build workforce training and 21st century skills development programs that will prepare students and employees for current and future local jobs. Workforce Partnership works with public and private partners to create a more coherent and flexible workforce development system that will connect local students to jobs in Shelby County.

On Tuesday, Aug. 2, the voters in the Sidney school district are facing an important decision. It will be a decision that should be made with much thought and careful consideration. Your vote concerning the school levy will not only impact the students in our schools now and in the future, but could change the economic climate of Sidney and Shelby County for years to come.

Sidney is fortunate to have an industrial base that provides high quality jobs. Sidney and Shelby County, unlike all of our neighboring counties, has more workers coming into our county each day to work rather than leaving the county to work elsewhere. This daily influx brings workers into our community who shop in our stores, buy gas and pay local taxes.

If Sidney and Shelby County are to maintain our industrial base and attract new companies to our area, we must be able to provide a well-trained, high quality workforce. We rely heavily on our local schools, the vocational school and higher education to provide the skills needed for the current and future industrial jobs.

The availability and cost of a qualified labor force is the number one factor that new companies 100k for when considering a site for a new manufacturing facility or an expansion to an existing facility. The quality of the K-12 public schools is one of the top five “quality of life” factors that new companies consider when locating a facility in a community. Our community continues to compete for new industry as well as expansions of existing industry. A high quality educational system is imperative if we are to compete effectively for new businesses and new jobs in our community.

For the reasons set forth and in order to assure continuing job opportunities and a vibrant community, the Workforce Partnership of Shelby County encourages you to please vote “yes” for the Sidney School levy on Aug. 2.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Workforce Partnership 0f Shelby County,

Martin (Mick) Given


Sharon Maurice

Executive Director

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