Writer takes exception with letter


To the editor:

I’d like to comment on the editorial letter from Orville Huffman last week. Mr. Huffman obviously is ignorant about water treatment. This is not said in a critical way. Mark Twain said, “We’re all ignorant, only about different things.”

The city of Sidney has been blessed with four outstanding water treatment professionals over the last 40 years. They are respectively: Doug Brookhart, Jerry Jones, Don Friesthler and Larry Broughton. All of these men were/are of the highest professional standard in regard to water treatment. To suggest, as Mr. Huffman did, whether wittingly or unwittingly, that they (were) less than ethical in the disposal of their duties is reprehensible.

As I said, to one familiar with methods of water treatment, Mr. Huffman’s ignorance of the subject is obvious. I could go into a long explanation of breakpoint chlorination, and enlighten him, but it would take far too much space on this page to do so. Even then, given his predisposition regarding the subject, he would undoubtedly not be a willing learner. People who already know it all are quite hard to teach. Nevertheless, if you are willing, Mr. Huffman, I’ll be glad to discuss this subject with you, having worked in water treatment myself for more than 25 years.

Bill Biza



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