Rotary Club hears Fair Board plans

SIDNEY — Fair Funding, represented by Matt Hughes and Steve Eddingfield, presented the program to the Sidney Rotary Club recently.

Fair Funding is operating the campaign to raise capital improvement funds for the Shelby County Fairgrounds. The men said a leadership assessment was conducted by Fair Funding in the fall of 2015, gathering opinions and information from 56 individuals regarding projects being considered by the Fair Board. The assessment was shared with Rotary members in attendance. The results of the assessment identified that the most important project is the replacement of the grandstand, followed by the need for a multi-purpose building, and third, improvements to the steer and dairy barn. Based on the results of the assessment, a campaign to raise capital improvement funds for the fairgrounds was implemented by the Shelby County Fair Board.

Fair Funding began in February 2016 to raise funds for the projects. The Community Foundation of Shelby County has agreed to manage the funds raised. The campaign is going well, and Eddingfield said, “Every single member of the Fair Board has contributed money out of their own pockets. This shows a true level of commitment to the campaign.” The old grandstand has been taken down in preparation for its replacement in 2017. Temporary seating will be used for this year’s fair. A picture board depicting what the grandstand might look like was displayed.

Hughes commented on the number of fundraising campaigns currently occurring in Sidney and Shelby County, noting that the assessment showed extremely positive results and that the community is very giving and always willing to help.

“We heard one statement consistently,” said Hughes. “No matter how many projects are going on at any one time, Shelby County citizens always manage to get them done.”

Staff report