Inquiring PhotographerWhy is school important?

Abagail Thornton, 7, of Sidney, daughter of Holli and Todd Thornton. “Because you will learn and you do all this great stuff so you can go to college so you can get a job, have kids and have a happy life.”

Heavenly Yelton, 8, of Sidney, daughter of Paula Ludwig. “Because you need to learn so that you can grow up and be really smart.”

KaAlani Asia, 8, of Sidney, daughter of Kayla Hewitt. “Because you get to learn a lot and teachers help you so you can go to college. I want to be a gymnastics teacher.”

Matthew Couchot, 10, of Pasco, son of Barbara Greenbaum and Ben Couchot. “Because all my friends are here and because my teachers are important to me they help me learn. They’re really nice to me here.”

Abagail Thornton, 7, of Sidney, daughter of Holli and Todd Thornton. “Because you will learn and you do all this great stuff so you can go to college so you can get a job, have kids and have a happy life.” Thornton, 7, of Sidney, daughter of Holli and Todd Thornton. “Because you will learn and you do all this great stuff so you can go to college so you can get a job, have kids and have a happy life.”

Heavenly Yelton, 8, of Sidney, daughter of Paula Ludwig. “Because you need to learn so that you can grow up and be really smart.” Yelton, 8, of Sidney, daughter of Paula Ludwig. “Because you need to learn so that you can grow up and be really smart.”

KaAlani Asia, 8, of Sidney, daughter of Kayla Hewitt. “Because you get to learn a lot and teachers help you so you can go to college. I want to be a gymnastics teacher.” Asia, 8, of Sidney, daughter of Kayla Hewitt. “Because you get to learn a lot and teachers help you so you can go to college. I want to be a gymnastics teacher.”

Matthew Couchot, 10, of Pasco, son of Barbara Greenbaum and Ben Couchot. “Because all my friends are here and because my teachers are important to me they help me learn. They’re really nice to me here.” Couchot, 10, of Pasco, son of Barbara Greenbaum and Ben Couchot. “Because all my friends are here and because my teachers are important to me they help me learn. They’re really nice to me here.”