Out of the past

125 Years

January 25, 1894

At a special meeting of council last evening, two proposals submitted by the Board of Improvement were considered. One proposal from the Black Gear Co. would move its plant to Sidney for the purpose of manufacturing wagons and buggies. In another proposal, Philip Smith requests an interest-free loan of $6,000 for 10 years to permit expansion of his firm’s operation. Both proposals will be considered by a special committee of the council.


Appearing in court this afternoon on a murder indictment in the death of I.N. Ray, Martin Jenkins said he could not employ an attorney and he was returned to jail until the court can appoint an attorney for him.

100 Years

January 25, 1919

At a special meeting of the Sidney Board of Education last evening, Voress Laudenback was employed to teach manual training in the schools for the last half of the present school year. When Mr. Presser resigned at the opening of the term in September, the board was unable to find a replacement because of war conditions. The board was also advised that approval has been received for the establishment of a vocational agriculture course in the school under the Smith-Hughes act.


Members of the Sidney Council of the Knights of Columbus at their meeting last night adopted a resolution called for the freedom of Ireland. Plans will be made for holding a public demonstration in this connection in the near future.


A debate will be held at McCartyville on Feb. 6 between the Debating Society of Turtle Creek and New Bremen High School Debating Society on the question: Resolved: The United States Should Own and Operate the Railroads within its borders. Turtle Creek will be represented by John B. Halpin, L.F. Warbington, and W.M. Cory.

75 Years

January 25, 1944

Dr. Richard E. Scully, formerly superintendent of this Toledo district, has been appointed pastor of the First Methodist Church, according to an announcement by Bishop H. Lester Smith last evening. He will fill the position made vacant by the transfer of Rev. Dallas Browning to North Methodist Church, Indianapolis, Ind. A former pastor of Trinity Methodist church, Rev. Scully will preach his first sermon here Feb. 6.


Steadily-growing allied forces which landed with almost no opposition south of Rome, have pushed inland against scant resistance and cut the famed Appian Way.

50 Years

January 25, 1969

Ivan Klopfenstein was re-elected to his third term as president of the Botkins Saddle Club when that group help election of officers at the January meeting.

Other officers are Guy Lotz, vice president; Mrs. Frank Rostorfer, secretary; Ron Weissinger, treasurer; Terry Roode, news reporter; Emerson (Bub) Metz, janitor; Richard Alexander and Frank Rostorfer, activities committee.


For the first time in their 110-year history, the Shelby County Deer Hunters named a panel of trustees during their annual election of officers at their club house on Thursday evening.

Cy Ely, one of the hardworking members of the club, was picked for five years, and another ambitious member, Brice Richards, was named for a four-year term. Other staunch supporters picked on the board include: Bill Cost, three years; Howard Wooddell, two years, and Chalmer Stocker, one year.

25 Years

January 25, 1994

LOS ANGELES (AP) – A severe earthquake centered in the San Fernando Valley jolted Southern California, buckling freeways, sparking fires an blacking out vast swaths of Los Angeles. There were report of three dead.

Buildings shook from San Diego to Los Vegas. Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan declared a state of emergency.

The quake struck at 4:31 a.m. and measured a preliminary 6.6 on the

Richter scale, said Kate Hutton, a seismologist at the California Institute of technology in Pasadena.


ANNA – Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Stewart, 15825 Amsterdam Road, observed their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday.

Stewart and the former Nora Catherine “Kate” Alexander were married Jan. 16, 1954, during a 7:30 p.m. ceremony at St. Jacobs Lutheran Church near Jackson Center. The couple remember the day as being cold and blustery.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org