JC Council designates trick-or-treat night

JACKSON CENTER — Sunday evening, Oct. 27, 2019, will be trick-or-treat night in Jackson Center. The annual event runs from 6 to 7 p.m.

Jackcon Center Village Countil, during its Monday meeting, reminded local residents to be aware of the activity and watch for children and other pedestrians while driving around town during the event.

In old business, council passed a resolution required by the Shelby County Budget Commission certifing an estimate by the Shelby County Auditor for the rate of each tax necessary to be levied by council, and what part is without and what part is within the 10 mill tax limitation. For the fiscal year 2020, the amount approved by the Budget Commission inside the 10 mill limitation is $48,827 at a tax rate of 2 mills. The amount to be derived from levies outside the 10 mill limitation is $45,033 at a tax rate of 2 mills. The Current Expense Levy outside 10 mill limitation was voted in on November 6, 2018 not to exceed five years (2019 –2023). These amounts, when received from the Shelby County Auditor are posted into the Village’s General Fund. By passing this resolution, Council accepts these amounts and rates and that there be levied on the tax duplicate of the Village that rate of each tax necessary to be levied within and without the ten mill limitations.

In new business, council approved a resolution which allows Village Administrator Bruce Metz to enter into a three-year “Efficiency Smart Schedule” contract with American Municipal Power – (AMP) for the purpose of providing more a reliable and efficient source of energy for local commercial and industrial customers. AMP will work with residential industrial and commercial accounts to insure the most cost effective and efficient use of electricity. Among the benefits and services offered are energy audits designed to locate and correct inefficient uses of energy, provide rebates on the purchase of new energy efficient bulbs and other equipment, and offer recycling opportunities for all customers.

“Amp has several great projects designed to save energy and work closely with customers on a personal level to insure they receive all the benefits possible; It ranges from best management of electrical practices to projecting the cost of making changes and implementing new methods to save on energy, it’s a win-win for everyone involved and our village and local businesses have profited greatly since we started this working relationship in 2013,” Metz said.

In Departmental Reports Zoning Enforcement Officer and Community Development Director Ed Maxwell Reported on the following projects completed or currently underway:


• Completed the 2020 U.S. Census New Construction Program Training using the US Department of Commerce maps and Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS).

• Completed Uploading all new construction of new housing units started after June 2016 through September 23, 2019 and scheduled to be completed by April 1, 2020 to the US Census Bureau.

• Compiling a “Builder’s Packet” for construction companies and homeowners that are building new homes with utility information, fee schedule, electric service hook-up information (temporary and permanent).

• Assisted Police Chief Chuck Wirick with zoning information concerning best resolution to parked trailers in residential subdivisions.

• Issued six new zoning permits in August with two new single-family homes started in Westwood Estates.

Economic Development:

• Worked up preliminary list of discussion points, maps, auditor’s records and options for possible land swap for Adam Johnson, Law Clerk at Jauret Burton, LLC

• Investigating possible grant funding for post tank removal, site clean-up. Have contact information with Auglaize County for past successful station removal and clean-up grants.

• Attended Logan/Shelby County ATCMTD (Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technology Deployment) meeting in Bellefontaine with representatives of Logan County, Shelby County, Bellefontaine, Verizon, Honda, TRC, and many others to get an overview of the US 33/state Route 274 smart technologies corridor to connect the existing US 33 Smart corridor to Interstate 75. Project would run directly through Jackson center, the only village or city directly on the corridor• .

• Working with new regional manager from Wade Journey Homes to assist in completing the project in Eastwood Estates.

In his administrator’s report, Metz said the electrical department is working on preparations for the new tornado siren located behind the new Airstream facility and that things are on target with the new substation project. Metz also noted he is working on the RP3 application with AMP to upgrade the village designation for best practice applications concerning energy usage and hopes to improve the village standing to “Platinum” or the highest level achievable through improvements the village has made since the last application.

“We are working on a number of ways to improve things for our village and its residents like staying up to date with testing and maintenance procedures to insure a reliable source of energy, developing emergency reaction planning in the event of natural disasters like tornados, wind and ice storms, flooding and other weather-related catastrophes, and future planning for our growing community,” Metz said.

Metz noted the village staff has been busy preparing for seasonal changes in a variety of areas including, crack-sealing and sweeping the streets, prepping spots for concrete repair around the village, and mowing and painting the soccer fields. Much progress has been made at the municipal swimming pool with all the village responsibilities complete and preparations being made for accepting bids in mid-October for the pool renovations which should be complete by the early spring before the regular pool season. Metz reported he and Electrical Superintendent Dave Overman attended a meeting with ODOT to determine ways to correct the leaking streetlight fixtures.

The next council meeting will be held Oct. 14, 2019, at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

By Matt Clayton

For the Sidney Daily News

The writer is a regular contributor to the Sidney Daily News.