Out of the past

125 Years

November 6, 1894

There was a big commotion at the Sidney Electric Light plant today. While the workmen were engaged in putting up rigging to erect a new smoke stack, the derrick and the new smoke stack collapsed, taking down the old smoke stack as well. No one was injured. The next might heavy wind also blew down the smoke stack at the Sidney Planing Mill.

100 Years

November 6, 1919

The Royal Athletic Club has organized another good event here on November 10. It will feature Hope Mullen v. Johnny Newton of Mansfield. Two Sidney boys will appear in other bouts. Wilbur “Juicy” Staley will take on Eddie McCarren of Muncie, Indiana. Ray Harmony and John Meyer will tangle in the other match.


An unusual killing of wild geese took place north of the Loramie Reservoir yesterday. George Bush, John Bush and James Stuber bagged six large Canadian Geese. The knocked feathers out of several more they could not bring down.

75 Years

November 6, 1944

There was a large and damaging farm fire yesterday Southeast of Sidney. The Clara Hunt farm suffered $6,000 in damages to the barn, corn crib, farm machinery and grain. It is believed defective wiring was the cause. Neighbors were able to keep the fire spreading to the farm home. The fire began about 7 a.m.


The campaign for a community concert will close this Saturday. No more tickets will be available after that date, the local resident were reminded. The committee has not decided whether or not to bring the 96 piece Cincinnati Symphony here for a spring concert.

50 Years

November 6, 1969

It will be a big step forward for the Jackson Center Police Department. They are joining a law enforcement planning agency. It is called the Mad river Valley Association of Governments. As a result of this action, they will get a $500 special radio. It will enable them to be in touch with the county sheriff’s office and the Sidney Police Department for the first time.


The temperatures for October 1969 were cooler than normal. The average high temperature was 51.2 degrees versus an average of 52.4 over the last 16 years. The sarmest eay was 82 degrees and the coldest was 20 degrees.

25 Years

November 6, 1994

They were celebrating in Anna this afternoon. The Anna Rockets boy cross country team has won the Class IV state championship. It was a dramatic race. Coach Dean Stewart told his top two runners, Adam Koppin and Brad Koverman they had to each “pass ten runners in the last quarter mile” for Anna to win. The boys got the job done. Anna won by 5 points over perennial power Attica Seneca. Koverman was 6th overall.


Sidney City Council voted to build a downtown Fire Station on the gravel lot where a scraper company was once located. The lone voice in opposition was Councilman Gary Carter. He questioned the need and the cost.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org