Commissioners purchase property, award bid for bridge project

SIDNEY – The Shelby County commissioners purchased a property on Childrens Home Road and awarded a bid for a bridge project as part of their actions in April.

The commissioners entered into a contract to purchase real estate at 990 Childrens Home Road in Sidney for $155,000 on April 27. There are no immediate plans for the property’s use, but the Shelby County Engineer’s Office was interested in it for future use because of its proximity to the office.

Five bids were received April 22 for the Schlater Road bridge project. On April 29 the bid was awarded to Bridge Specialists, of Canfield, for $86,566.09.

The commissioners set dates for the view and hearing for the petition to vacate a portion of Cynthian Township Road No. 1004 (Walnut Street in Newport). The viewing was set for April 27, and the hearing is set for 10:30 a.m. May 4.

On April 22 the commissioners authorized the notification to local banking and savings and loan institutions to apply for deposit of public monies for the term from Aug. 24, 2021, through Aug. 23, 2025. Applications are due by 11 a.m. June 10, 2021.

The commissioners approved payment of weekly expenditures totaling $399,560.60 on April 1, $333,734.39 on April 8, $893,488.17 on April 15 and $586,695.89 on April 22.

They transferred $147,275.13 in sales tax revenue from the General Fund to the Engineer’s Fund on April 20 and transferred $147,275.13 in sales tax revenue from the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund.