Library to host author Vervalin


SIDNEY — Author D.R. Vervalin will be at the Amos Memorial Public Library, 230 E. North St., July 18, at 1 p.m. to discuss his books and his process to becoming an author.

His book, “Voyager,” presents Bane Skiles, a handsome young man from a wealthy Hawaiian family in the early 1940s. On the verge of graduation from college, he makes plans to fulfill a boyhood dream and sail around the world alone in the family’s sailboat, Voyager. He begins his journey in the fall of 1941 only to have his voyage interrupted by the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Hane enlists in the Navy and soon becomes a PT boat captain with PT Boat Squadron 10, fighting in the Solomon Islands. He finds himself caught up in an adventure he never dreamed.

The book “450 East” is a blend of fictional history and mystery that begins more than 200 years ago in what was then the western territories of the new nation. The events that followed the siege of Fort Wayne, Indiana, in 1812, resulted in far more than the conquest of the Miami Indian nation; it set in motion a chain of events that would result in the near destruction of a present-day Indiana farm family. John Sebrook is caught in the middle of his family’s hidden past after suffering personal tragedies that forever change his life.

Books will be available for purchase and signing.

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