On the agendas


Sidney City Schools Board of Education

SIDNEY — The Sidney City Schools Board of Education will hold its organizational meeting Monday, Jan. 14, at 6 p.m. at the board office. The regular meeting will follow.

Sidney City Council

SIDNEY — The Sidney City Council will meet on Monday, Jan. 14, at 6:30 p.m in the Municipal Building’s Council Chambers.

There will be a presentation of the School Choice Week proclamation

Council is expected adopt two ordinances to levy special assessments for the construction and repair of certain described sidewalks in Sidney and an ordinance amendment pertaining to the city of Sidney’s purchasing card policy.

There will be a public hearing and introduction of an ordinance to rezone a certain 10.018 tract of land from an R-2, single and two-family residential district to an R-3, multi-family residential district.

It is expected for council to adopt four resolutions, and they are:

• To authorize City Manager Mark Cundiff to advertise for bids for various items and projects;

• To declare the necessity for repair/replacement of certain curb and gutters in the city of Sidney and requiring abutting property owners repair or replace the same;

• To authorize Cundiff to enter into a housing revolving loan fund administration agreement with the state of Ohio Development Services Agency;

• To amend a resolution to increase the maximum amount of the downtown rehab loan previously authorized to be granted to Terry A. Develvis form $12,000 to $14,000.

Council will also go into an executive session to prepare for negotiation sessions with public employees and the employment of a public employee.

Hardin-Houston Board of Education

HOUSTON — The Hardin-Houston Local School District Board of Education will hold its organizational meeting Monday, Jan. 14, at 6:45 p.m. in the media center. The regular board meeting will begin at 7 p.m.

The board will hold election of board president, vice president and make other necessary appointments. They will also establish the regular meeting dates for 2019.

Minster Board of Education

MINSTER — The Minster Board of Education will meet for its annual reorganizational meeting, and in regular session, Monday, Jan. 14, at 7:30 p.m., in the Elementary large group meeting room.

The reorganizational meeting will involve several motions, including the election of president and vice president, along with authorizations for treasurer and superintendent.

The regular meeting will include board reports from the superintendent, K-6 principal, 7 through 12 principal, and the vocational education report, among other things.

Minster Village Council

MINSTER — The Minster Village Council will meet in regular session, Tuesday, Jan. 15, at 6:30 p.m., at 5 W. Fourth St.

Meetings are open to the public.

Civil Service Commission

SIDNEY — The Civil Service Commission will be meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 2:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers Room of the Municipal Building, located at 201 W. Poplar St.

The meeting is to discuss promotional testing.

Sidney-Shelby County Board of Health

SIDNEY — The Sidney-Shelby County Board of Health will meet in regular session, Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 7 p.m., in the Health Department conference room, 202 W. Poplar St.

The board Will consider a then-and-now certificate, a retirement proposal and a harm-reduction program before moving into executive session.

Shelby County Fair Board

SIDNEY — The Shelby County Fair Board will meet in regular session, Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 7:30 p.m., in the fair office.

Houston Joint Ambulance District Board of Trustees

HOUSTON — Due to conflict of schedules, the Houston Joint Ambulance District Board of Trustees will meet Thursday, Jan. 17, at 7:30 p.m., instead of Wednesday, Jan. 16.

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