Shelby Soil & Water Conservation District offers volunteer opportunities


SIDNEY — The Shelby County Soil & Water Conservation District has ways for anyone in the community to get outside and do volunteer work while minding social distancing.

One way members of the community can volunteer is by picking up trash along streets, roads or in parks. It is recommended to wear gloves and bright-colored clothing, and to carry two trash bags: one for trash and one for recyclables. Keeping trash out of side ditches and streets helps the community look and feel good. It also helps the environment because that trash can make its way into nearby waterways, causing pollution.

Another volunteer activity is storm drain marking. By simply gluing a marker that says “No Dumping, Drains to River” on city storm drains helps remind residents that they should not dump anything down these drains. A common phrase that helps reinforce this idea is “Only Rain Down the Drain.” It is recommended to have a group of at least two and no more than five do storm drain marking. Anyone interested can get all the needed supplies and a quick training from Sophie Nieport at the Shelby Soil & Water Conservation District.

Kids ages 6 and older can help with these volunteer opportunities, and there should be at least one adult to every four to five kids volunteering. These experiences help teach the next generation why it is important to dispose of trash properly and to not just toss it out the car window.

For more information on volunteering, contact Sophie Nieport at 937-419-2589 or [email protected].

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