Where does it go?

To the editor:

Have you ever wondered what happens to the generous memorial donations we receive in honor of a loved one/friend? Where does that money go? What is it used for? At Fort Loramie Rescue, we use this money to purchase life-saving equipment to help us provide the best possible patient care. We would like to share our most recent purchase with the community and surrounding area that we serve.

When a person suffers from a cardiac arrest, their heart is no longer beating. CPR is performed to help the heart circulate oxygenated blood, perfusing the organs in the person’s body. Quality and consistent CPR is what can help save a person’s life.

The amount of time CPR is performed can be quite lengthy at times, draining the energy of EMS personnel. This can be a critical issue when extra personnel may not be available at that time.

We recently were able to purchase two new pieces of equipment, one for each ambulance, to assist us during a cardiac arrest. The Lucas Device provides high-performance, continuous chest compressions. It can improve provider safety, avoiding fatigue over long durations, and reduces transport risks by allowing us to sit belted. It truly acts as an extra set of hands that allows us to focus on the patient and provide other lifesaving care as needed.

Your generous gifts in memory of lives that were lost, will be helping save many lives for years to come. For this, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Shirley Johns, Paramedic

Fort Loramie Rescue Squad