How to stand up straight in a topsy turvey world


To the editor:

Are you wondering what is going on in our world? I think many of us are!

I think we all need to read Matthew 24 and 25. If you have no idea where that is, it’s the first book of the New Testament. Read these chapters slowly and take notes. One that really hits me every time is 24:22, “if those days had been cut short no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.” Verse 36: 24-39 talks about the days of Noah.

It took Noah and his sons 120 years to build the ark. When it was finished animals, and all entered and God shut the door. God told them to go in and almighty God shut the door. They were caught unprepared. Only 8 people were saved. Not one converted, no one listened.

Christ’s return is right on top of us and many turn a deaf ear. So many in each of our families do not believe the signs of the end times. Put Christ First.

When Christ returns, he will only take those who are ready and prepared. They will have oil in their lamps and Christ knows who belongs to Him. Be sure you are serving Christ and are ready for His return.

Young people….stop sowing wild oats. Instead, do something awesome for God. It will be the greatest investment you can do. Choose Christ to be first in your life no matter how old or young you are. In the meantime I will do the same thing over again for good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. …. 7 years of tribulation is a very long time – Stand Up Straight.

I’ll be back to explain. In the meantime Pray.

In Him

Carol Dick

Former Owner of The Cornerstone Shop

New Bremen

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