It’s not about you


We have been nurtured in a culture of be all we can be, have it your way, if you want it buy it, if you buy it you will be happy, it will make you better, prettier, smarter, faster, thinner, attractive, hirable, the potential is endless for personal perfection, even churches market using these tools. In our malaise of self-centeredness we have forgotten what gave Christianity the power to conquer the Roman Empire. LOVE!

Love is but a demonstration that another’s life holds as much value as your own. If this is believed, it changes our world view. We mentally move folks from the “they” category to a personal category; THEY become people. As this personal transformation occurs we give to others that which is plentiful, that which everyone has, that which cannot be replaced. We give ourselves! To stop looking into the eyes of another, listening and responding to their story removes me from my world into theirs.

“They will know we are Christians by our love!” Sentiment leaves the hurting cold, love helps. The broken are sending distress signals that go unheeded if we do not listen. I have looked into the dull eyes of suffering refugees, held the hands of the hopeless, heard the heart of a pregnant girl beaten and left alone yet again, held a mother whose daughter has gone missing, prayed the last prayer on Earth with a leper, cried with many given the “terminal” prognosis and observed light coming into their eyes as they received forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

It’s not about you. It’s about those needing a touch! This is the love of Christianity. It’s about Jesus Christ, NOT activities. Only Jesus can redeem lost lives and he will do this through you if you bother to speak. We were not created for selfishness. We were created to, “do unto others as we would have them do unto us.” We are surrogates to love another’s child to Christ.
Your pastor speaks

By Dr. John L. Geissler

The writer is the director of Agape Distribution/Combined Community Food Pantry.

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