Inquiring PhotographerAs the Imagination Library program reaches 50% enrollment we are asking: What is your favorite childhood book?


Jenny VanMatre, of Sidney. “Little Women, it was just all about family.”

Tammy Herring, of Sidney. “Heidi, mainly because my younger sister is named after the book and I also like the story content too.”

Cheri Allison, of Sidney. “Green Eggs and Ham, because of the riddles.”

Ellen Windham, of Sidney. “Curious George, because it was always an adventure.”

Jenny VanMatre, of Sidney. “Little Women, it was just all about family.” VanMatre, of Sidney. “Little Women, it was just all about family.”

Tammy Herring, of Sidney. “Heidi, mainly because my younger sister is named after the book and I also like the story content too.” Herring, of Sidney. “Heidi, mainly because my younger sister is named after the book and I also like the story content too.”

Cheri Allison, of Sidney. “Green Eggs and Ham, because of the riddles.” Allison, of Sidney. “Green Eggs and Ham, because of the riddles.”

Ellen Windham, of Sidney. “Curious George, because it was always an adventure.” Windham, of Sidney. “Curious George, because it was always an adventure.”

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