Gardening seminars planned


SIDNEY — The Master Gardeners of Shelby County have scheduled a series of three gardening seminars at the Amos Memorial Public Library, 230 E. North St.

Each seminar will take place from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. There is no cost to attend. Free refreshments and valuable hand-outs will be available. Interested persons can attend any or all of these seminars:

Feb. 23: “The Essence of Herbs” — Nadine Bryan will discuss the history of herbs, how to successfully grow herbs and ways to use herbs in the kitchen.

March 1: “Play Dirty and Pick a Winner” — Jim McCracken and Ann Heeley will focus on how to grow vegetables, produce and flowers that will earn blue ribbons at the fair.

March 8: “Inspiration through Fermentation” — Explore wine making with Russ Stewart as he covers the basics from growing grapes to bottling his award-winning estate wine.

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