Out of the Past


100 Years

April 9, 1916

Many reports have reached the ears of the city officials of the total disregard on the part of certain parties to violate the laws and ordinances governing the speeding of automobiles about the city, failure to light their front and rear lights, and the undue amount of noise and smoke made when testing motors In response to these complaints, Mayor Crozier today issued a “last call,” warning that violators will be prosecuted.


Elmer Seving has resigned his position with Swain’s Jewelry Store and has accepted one with the Peerless Bread Machinery Co.

75 Years

April 9, 1941

Eight Shelby County young people were honored at a special program in the Sidney High School auditorium last evening as winners in the American Legion essay contest. Those honored included: Louis H. Mackey, Maxine Poling, Ralph Helman, Laura Beavers, Marvin Heins, Eleanor Huwer, William Wagner, and Wanda Fenters.

50 Years

April 9, 1966

Officers were elected when the Anna Future Homemakers of America met recently. Linda Hulsmeyer will be the incoming president as Betty Wilson retires from the position. Other officers elected and the girls they will replace are Janet Huecker, vice president, retiring, Linda Hulsmeyer; Susan Bower, secretary, Carol Thaman; Sandy Schmidt, treasurer, Annette Shroyer; Paulette Leugers, parliamentarian, Mary Lou Gibbs; Roseann Riethman, historian, Debbie Pleiman; Sandy Crumpler, news reporter, Janet Huecker.

25 Years

April 9, 1991

Several buildings in what will eventually be a 68-building “Titanic Times Town” are planned at the site of the Titanic Memorial Museum, 10741 Russell Road. The town will be comprised of replicas of buildings associated with the history of the Titanic. The buildings are from 1912, the year the ocean liner sank. A ribbon-cutting ceremony for the project is planned for 10:30 a.m. Saturday.


Candidates for king and queen have been selected for the upcoming 1991 junior-senior prom at Fort Loramie High School. Pictured are Jason Gaerke, John Holthaus and John Meyer. The queen candidates are Jill Kemper, Nancy Larger and Lori Lauber. The prom will be Friday from 8 to 11 p.m. at the high school gymnasium.


Tony Brown is shown straining to hold up this monstrous shovelhead catfish he caught on his first fishing outing ever Saturday. Brown accompanied a co-worker, Jack Parsley, to Rainbow Lake, where he was to learn how to fish. And he wound up with an A-plus on his report card after hooking the shovelhead, which weighed 30 pounds eight ounces.


ANNA – “Something to Believe In” is the theme for the Anna High School Prom on Saturday in the high school gymnasium, with the dance scheduled for 8 to 11 p.m. Queen candidates include Brenda Albers, 17, Sally Jones, 18, Teresa Richard, 18, Linda Sayre, 17, Karen Wildermuth, 17, and Ann Workman, 18. Candidates for king include Dan Ailes, 18, Ted Keller, 18, Matt Koverman, 18, Marc Layman, 17, Matthew Smith, 17, and Ken Wuebker, 17.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org

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