Dressed to party


Dressed as the band Kiss for the Jackson Center Middle School Spring Dance are, left to right, Miranda Rains, 11, daughter of Ashley and William Rains, Jadyn Yinger, 14, daughter of Jake and Breezy Yinger, Madison Halker, 11, daughter of Bracy and Neoma Halker and Deja Wells, 12, all of Jackson Center, daughter of Rachel and Derrick Wells. The dance had a celebrity theme. Luke Gronneberg | Sidney Daily News

Dressed as the band Kiss for the Jackson Center Middle School Spring Dance are, left to right, Miranda Rains, 11, daughter of Ashley and William Rains, Jadyn Yinger, 14, daughter of Jake and Breezy Yinger, Madison Halker, 11, daughter of Bracy and Neoma Halker and Deja Wells, 12, all of Jackson Center, daughter of Rachel and Derrick Wells. The dance had a celebrity theme. Luke Gronneberg | Sidney Daily News
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2016/04/web1_SDN0422716JCDance.jpgDressed as the band Kiss for the Jackson Center Middle School Spring Dance are, left to right, Miranda Rains, 11, daughter of Ashley and William Rains, Jadyn Yinger, 14, daughter of Jake and Breezy Yinger, Madison Halker, 11, daughter of Bracy and Neoma Halker and Deja Wells, 12, all of Jackson Center, daughter of Rachel and Derrick Wells. The dance had a celebrity theme. Luke Gronneberg | Sidney Daily News

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