Find time to rest with Jesus


I come to writing this article at a bowling alley between watching my son bowl. That doesn’t take into consideration all we, my husband Chip, our son Alex and myself, had to do to get here. We are a busy family. Like every other family I know. Not enough time for really anything. Well we are managing to get everything in.

I had a family in my office just today, the young man said “I get a rest day today” super curious about the idea and that I might get one I inquired what a rest day was. He had on a Sunday a soccer tournament where he played several games, got in the van and drove to his baseball game. “A rest day is a day taken off to try to get back my energy” He explained. OK. I understand, he needs to get through this week. I think we all totally understand where this young man and his family are coming from. He did very well at all events but he and his family did not find Sunday a day of rest.

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” -Matthew 11:28-30

While every voice in our lives presses for more and more and more and more, the call of Jesus for the weary is to enter into the presence of Jesus and to rest. Doesn’t that sound beautiful? Time to rest in the presence of Jesus! We are for the most point the most over committed and under rested people in history.

The first thing you are going to tell me is that we have chosen this lifestyle. YES and NO! I work with kids and families in our community, I could not ask for a better job and in my experience families are trying to give their child every advantage. We want our children to win and achieve to be smarter, faster, stronger, more talented and in the process we are all exhausted. We are exhausted; physically, physiologically, mentally, and emotionally. Even though we are trying our best, it’s taking a big toll on who we are and who we want our children to be.

“My yoke is easy, and My burden is light”

We are not resting in anything. We spend little to no time resting from activities that would enable us to rest in Jesus. I know and understand that everything your family is doing is important. BUT your faith and that of your family just may be hanging in the balance. Today I was speaking to a mother who was trying to figure out summer schedule and whether church camp fits into that schedule … we are trying to teach keeping commitments, being part of a team, not going to practice, and yet they decided that church camp must be a priority. So excited!

Whether you are juggling five schedules, 25 schedules, two schedules or one; what are you choosing to be your priorities? Are you in the word of God and resting? Are you spending the time necessary to calm your soul? What are we modeling for the next generation? Have we given them the tools necessary to rest in prayer or has it all been pushed out of the schedule to make room for MORE?

By the Rev. Eileen Hix

Your pastor speaks

The writer is the children and family pastor at the Sidney First United Methodist Church.

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