Association to tour Minster’s Fourth Street


MINSTER — The Minster Civic Association is doing something unique for their June meeting.

On Friday, June 17, the association is hosting “A Historical Walk on Fourth Street.” In coordination with the Minster Historical Society, it will entail a detailed walking tour of the vibrant history of Minster’s Fourth Street. It will begin at roughly 6 p.m. and participants will meet in front of the library. The civic association will be providing refreshments and snacks.

If you are interested in an invitation, please contact Chris Niekamp at 614-783-3664 or [email protected].

The civic association held its monthly meeting on May 25. The meeting was kicked off with an open to the public tour of the award-winning Solar Panel Fields west of Minster. Minster Village Administrator Don Harrod gave a tour to the visitors including details on how the power is collected in DC current and converted to AC and increased in voltage for transfer to the power grid. Minster is a trendsetter in that it is also the first municipality to couple a solar field with a storage system which is comprised of thousands of batteries located in the Minster Utility Complex.

After the tour, the Civic Members met for a social hour and dinner at the Wooden Shoe where they held their monthly meeting. Tim Buschur presented information on how Tri Star Career Compact 2.0 is organized and the bright future of the program. They plan on building a new building so there will be one location for education, simplifying transportation needs and bringing their entire program under one roof for the first time. More programs can be offered and instructors time cam be shared by more students. This will be located next to Wright State University Celina Campus making it easier for students to take college classes as well. This will help supply the trained employees that our local industry is desperately seeking. This will be funded by the Tristar 2.0 levy to be voted on this fall.

The Minster Civic Association Golf Outing has been scheduled for July 29, 2016, please contact Kurt Baumer at 419-953-3920 or [email protected] if you would like to sign up a team, sponsor a hole, or donate a door price. Space is limited.

If you are interested in joining the Minster Civic Association please e-mail [email protected]

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