Kettlersville approves participation in land bank


KETTLERSVILLE — Shelby County Commissioner Julie Ehemann was present at the May meeting of the Kettlersville Village Council to discuss the formation of a land bank in Shelby County.

She said there is a one-time fee to join the land bank, which is based on the last census (2010) at 50 cents per resident. In 2010, the village had 179 residents so the fee to join would be $89.50.

This fee is will be used for start-up fees and to hire a firm to develop the land bank program for Shelby County. Foreclosed and tax delinquent properties are main focus of committee reviewing properties. Council decided to participate in the land bank and a resolution will be presented at the next council meeting.

Mayor Eric Kaminsky distributed data from the recent speed meters placed in the village at three different locations. Seventy-five percent of the traffic were going over the designated speed limit. Council approved a motion that the Shelby County Sheriff be hired to patrol the village for a one-year contract for two 15 minute intervals per day for a total of 3 ½ hours per week at a cost of $31.86 per hour; $5,798.52 per year to be invoiced quarterly.

Citations will be issued through the Municipal Court and a monthly report of citations will be sent to the village from the sheriff. Kaminsky to follow up with sheriff on how a percentage of the tickets issued are recouped by the village. The village does not have an ordinance on file in regards to issuance of tickets by the sheriff within the village. Kaminsky also to follow up on the use of inmates for trash pickup

A motion was approved to pay $375 to the Well Association for installation of the new hydrant at the park. Well Association to provide an invoice to the village.

John Shumate presented proposals from Asphalt Systems Inc. Village streets were reviewed and a crack sealing proposal was submitted in the amount of $10,545, and a separate proposal for the sealing of the new section of South Street for $1,128. Both proposals were approved. Shumate will have the work scheduled.

The catch basin at Buehler’s has been completed by the Shelby County Engineer’s Office. The 2016 mowing contract was approved. Betty Ike has a resident lined up to remove the bell from the old town hall.

Fiscal Officer Linda Miller in process of setting up DP&L and OPERS on auto pay. She also advised $583.44 is available from the $5 Permissive Auto License Fee Fund. Council will apply for these funds. Miller will contact County Engineer Bob Geuy for distribution of funds to be used for upcoming street projects.

It was mentioned that a new renter has chickens on their property. The village has an ordinance on this matter and will be discussed at next meeting. Also noted that restrooms in council chambers need repaired.

Staff report

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