HB 301 — health savings accounts for state employees


Currently, the Ohio House of Representatives is considering House Bill 301. This legislation, sponsored by Representative Michael Henne and local Representative Stephen Huffman, would create an option for state employees to choose a Health Savings Account in lieu of a standard deductible health care plan.

Under this option the individual chooses a high deductible health care plan with a low monthly premium. The employee then makes contributions to a tax-free health savings account. These funds are used to pay for eligible healthcare expenses until they reach the set deductible for their health insurance plan.

Because high deductible health care plans have low premiums, the monthly costs for both employee and employer are low. In many cases, the individual and their employer turn around and invest a good portion of these savings into the health savings account. If these contributions are not used right away for health care expenses, the account continues to grow for future use. Funds can even be withdrawn from the account for non-healthcare related expenses and, under certain circumstances, the beneficiary only has to pay the applicable taxes.

As a former business owner who has utilized these plans in the past, I have seen why this is a common sense option. Many public and private employers have already made this option available to their employees because this plan can create considerable savings for all involved.

House Bill 301 would require the state of Ohio to offer a health savings account option. For those employees who choose this option, the state would make a monthly contribution to the individual’s health savings account that equals eighty percent of the difference between the cost of a standard deductible health care plan and the individual’s high deductible plan.

With this new option, employees would be able to choose whatever plan best fits their family’s needs. This legislation has the potential to save Ohio, state employees, and taxpayers money while still meeting the healthcare needs of employees, making this a win-win for all involved.

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By Jim Buchy

Contributing columnist

The writer represents the 84th District in the Ohio House of Representatives.

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