Out of the past


125 Years

December 31, 1891

The Rev. Lance, like all Methodists, is in favor of chicken, fried, roasted, stewed or otherwise. He is preparing to indulge in his tastes, and in an incubator has placed 112 eggs. They have been there for a week, in a temperature of 102 degrees, and January chickens will hand in a report soon.

100 Years

December 31, 1916

The Wagner Brewing Co. is cutting nine inch ice from their pond.

75 Years

December 31, 1941

Mayor John Sexauer will enter upon his third term as mayor of Sidney Friday morning. Other city officials who will serve for the next two years are: W.W. Wheeler, president of council; John Minton, Russell Blake, and Morton Pipe, councilmen at large; councilmen, L.L. Waggoner, first ward; Frank Miller, second ward; W.A. McClure, third ward; Frank Melvin, fourth ward. City Auditor Wilson Stockstill starts the second half of a four-year term.

50 Years

December 31, 1966

Mike Boller, Sidney sky diving enthusiast, is scheduled to discuss that activity as guest speaker at Tuesday’s luncheon meeting of the Sidney Optimist Club. At the last meeting, three new members were inducted. William Lang and Optimist Lt. Governor Wright Watkins of the Sidney Chapter officiated. They inducted Douglas Millhoff, Homer Riddle and Paul Webb.

25 Years

December 31, 1991

Photo: Robert Barhorst and Renee Pleiman smile after being crowned king and queen of the Fort Loramie High School homecoming Friday night. They were crowned by last year’s king and queen, Randall Seger and Christina Winner.


Here’s a look at some of the superlatives of 1991: Best-Selling Automobile in U.S: Honda Accord; Best-Selling Vehicle in U.S.: F-Series Ford Truck; Top-Rated TV Series (1990-91 season): Cheers; Broadway’s Hottest Ticket: Miss Saigon; Richest Person (Royalty): The Sultan of Brunei; Most Profitable U.S. Company: IBM; Highest-Paid Actor (Per Film): Eddie Murphy; Highest-Paid actress (Per Film): Julia Roberts; Highest-Paid Entertainer (individual): Bill Crosby; and Highest Paid Entertainer (Group): New Kids on the Block.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org

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