ZBA approves three variances for new parking facility


SIDNEY —The Sidney Zoning Board of Appeals approved three variance requests for a new parking facility at the location of a future medical office building on Third Avenue in the community business district at Tuesday’s meeting.

Synergy Building Systems was given the go-ahead for a variance to allow a parking space depth of 18-feet where 20-feet is the minimum allowed, to allow a grass area separation between the street and parking facility of 5-feet where 10-feet is the minimum required and to allow a drive aisle width of 24.5-feet where 25-feet is the minimum required at 300 Third Ave. in the community business district.

A Synergy Building Systems representative said the future office coming is a very busy business and the variance will allow ample parking. The request of the shorter depth was for staff parking on the west that will remain parked the majority of the day, aside from the 45-plus parking spaces to the north that meets the 20-feet requirement. He said although they are asking for the grass separation to be decreased to 5-feet, from the required 10 feet, they take great pride in the business’ appearance and plan to over-landscape the location with plenty of trees.

After Boardmember Richard Sommer questioned weather the board should alter their system to allow the less grass separation, Chairman David Fleming pointed out they have granted several other similar variances in the past.

Boardmember Randy Rose was absent and excused.

By Sheryl Roadcap

[email protected]

Reach the writer at 937-538-4823.

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