Shelby County Junior Fair results


Junior Doe Kid born 1/1/17

First place: Reese Heilers

Second place: Brandon Pollock

Intermediate Doe Kid born after 3/2/17 but before 4/1/17

First place: Brandon Pollock

Second place: Justin Pollock

Third place: Lily York

Fourth place: Elijah York

Senior Doe Kid born after 1/1/17 but before 3/1/17

First place: Justin Pollock

Second place: Gavin Heilers

Third place: Reese Heilers

Fourth place: Gavin Heilers

Fifth place: Brandon Pollock

Yearling born Jan 1. Through 12/31/16

First place: Margaret Bensman

Second place: Lily York

Third place: Anthony Pollock

Fourth place: Gavin Heilers

Yearling milker under 2 years old

First place: Justin Pollock

Second place: Elijah York

Third place: Isabelle Jenkins

Fourth place: Anthony Pollock

2-year-old milker under 3 years old

First place: Justin Pollock

Second place: Brandon Pollock

3-year-old milker under 5 milker

First place: Gavin Heilers

Second place: Justin Pollock

Third place: Brandon Pollock

Fourth place: Brandon Pollock

5-year-old and over milker

First place: Anthony Pollock

Second place: Isabelle Jenkins

Dam and Daughter

First place: Anthony Pollock

Second place: Justin Pollock

Third place: Lily York

Fourth place: Gavin Heilers

Fifth place: Reese Heilers

Overall Grand: Anthony Pollock

Overall Reserve: Gavin Heilers

Dairy Goat

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