Is the church really necessary?


The Christian Church and western civilization have grown up together. A study of world history would not be complete without accounting for the church’s impact on humanity. A tour through most any country in the western hemisphere is solid evidence of the presence of the church in large cities as well as small villages. Additionally, most of the rest of the world has grand old church buildings, where past generations have gathered seeking to know God.

We must ask, why is it then that many people are abandoning the ages old practice of corporate gathering at church? Has the church lost its relevance? Is it that the church simply does not con- tribute a beneficial component to life in our world? Obviously there are minions of people both old and young that discount the need to be- long to a particular church. Perhaps we should look inwardly when pondering the decline of the church. Maybe we need to rediscover our priorities. Are we to be a mere social center, or should we aspire to be something more? It would be correct to say that social programs that help people are needful. While Jesus conducted three plus years of earthly ministry, He certainly concerned himself with the natural needs of the masses. Hungry people were never turned away, nor those who needed healing or deliverance. Jesus did indeed feed the five thousand, but only after he had preached the gospel to them and healed those who were sick.

Perhaps we would do well to focus on meeting the spiritual needs first. Experience and observation teaches us that elaborate church facilities won’t motivate people to come. The type of music we sing does not assure they will attend. Stylish pulpiteers wearing fancy clothes will not establish a solid congregation. Temporary trends and styles will continue to come and go. They once sang Psalms in church. The first Protestant hymnal was published in Bohemia in 1532. Some of the hymns sung to- day were written in the 1800’s Many great Black Gospel songs came forth prior to Lincoln’s abolishment of slavery and many wonderful songs since. Southern Gospel and Contemporary Christian have come to us in the last hundred years. We can rest assured there will be new songs and new sounds in the future. The mission of the church has little to do with the futilities of style and preference. The mission is giving people Jesus. The church must re- gain it’s identity as “the place to be ministered to spiritually.” If people come to church and encounter Christ, they’ll be back!

By Pastor Rodney Reynolds

Your Pastor Speaks

The writer is the senior pastor of Solid Rock Pentecostal Church of God, 2745 State Route 29 N., Sidney.

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