Anna Board of Education continues renovations


ANNA — The Anna Board of Education meeting on Monday, Aug. 14, was filled with reports and updates on previous board action.

Superintendent Andy Bixler updated the board on renovations during the meeting. He said the hazardous material removal is done, except for a couple small sections that will be removed during remodelling in the future.

The swing building’s foundation is approved, with a different design for the HVAC, using two units that add up to the necessary amounts. The goal is to be finished by the end of the year for occupancy on Jan. 1, 2018.

Bixler also said the planned projects have moved from design and development to schematic design, with a target date of mid-September. The project is currently behind schedule.

Both middle school Principal Cindy Endsley and elementary Principal John Holtzapple noted in their reports that they will be teaching life skills like grit and perserverance during the upcoming year.

“We’re going to intentionally teach life skills. These are things I am providing the staff,” said Holtzapple. “I think these are things that are very important for our students to develop, if they haven’t.”

Endsley echoed his sentiments, and said grades 6 through 8 will be exposed to the lessons during their 30 minute advising period.

She also noted that the Village Salon and Spa was holding a back to school event on Wednesday Aug. 16, from noon to 4 p.m. All haircuts for students are $10, and donations made during the event go to funding assemblies for Anna Middle School discussing bullying, building positive relationships, social-emotional learning issues and more. Food, games, door prizes and face painting will be available during the event.

High School Principal Joel Staudter reported that they are changing the start time from 8:10 to 8:07, adding the three minutes to the first period.

Staudter also said the high school was allocating resources for kids with disabilities, using software and a closer look in one of his classrooms to better target where accommodations are needed.

He also noted that due to renovations, some lockers have been removed. Lockers will first be issued to freshman, and any upperclassmen who wish to have a locker can request one. If lockers run out, students will be asked to pair up.

Staudter also said he had met with Hayden Weiskittel, an Anna High School student who received a new heart in April. He will be back in school this fall.

The board unofficially accepted their new board goals for the 2017-2018 year, and were informed of the new health insurance situation. The district is set to continue with their full insurance through September, and then transition to being self-insured through Jefferson health plan, which requires leaving the consortium.

Bixler said that the school is looking into selling three school buses, one locally and two through a government auction. At the same time, the van fleet is being updated. The district is looking into trading in a few older model vans that are experiencing issues and moving forward with buying a used Chevy Traverse on out of district routes. The silver 8-passenger van will be traded in for another 12-passenger van when the new model year starts.

The superintendent also spoke on True Day’s cash, which is a measure of fiscal health of the district. He said that given these numbers, the district would be able to run for 244 days without any revenue. This is follows the same positive trend over the past six years, increasing by 10 days over last year. The district’s expenditures also increased during the 2017 fiscal year, by 10.8 percent.

“The school district financially is in very good shape, on very solid ground,” Bixler said.

The board took one action and hired Maggie Bittner as a teacher with the band director supplementals.

The next Anna Board of Education meeting will be held Sept. 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the board room.

By Heather Willard

[email protected]

Reach the writer at 937-538-4825

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