God, are you there?


Have you ever said, “Where are you, God?” Have you felt that God wasn’t there, especially when you’re going through something really tough?

I used to feel that way a lot! Now I believe God will meet you right where you’re at if you cry out to Him. I had always heard stories about God but never knew Him. I said a lot of prayers asking God to show Himself and if He did then I would believe in Him, but nothing ever happened. For example, let’s say you’re going to start a relationship with someone but only on your terms and don’t take them into consideration. How well do you think that will work out? Not good at all. Once you stop getting what you want, you’ll feel like the relationship is broken, when actually your just being selfish. Asking God to show Himself on your terms is making the relationship all about you.

It wasn’t until I realized that I was sick from sin and full of selfishness that I knew I needed to repent of my sins. I had to turn away from my ways and turn to God’s ways. When I turned to Him, I had experiences with God that forever changed me. I realized everything’s not all about me. We need to care about others and pray that God will come and intervene in our lives. God will meet us when we’re in the darkest of trouble if we only call upon Him!

Looking back at all the close calls in my life, I believe God was there in every one of them. One day my family and I were getting ready to go on a drive and we prayed for His angels to protect us. A few minutes later we pulled out in front of a semi-truck, he swerved and nicked our back door where our three-month-old baby was sitting. After the dust settled, our baby was still asleep, the semi had to get towed away, and we got to drive home. Do you think it was just the type of car, a coincidence, or good/bad timing? I don’t think so. I think God met us at that intersection that morning. Just like the first day my baby boy came into this world. Both instances are nothing short of miracles.

Without God, I feel that there would be no breath in our lungs. Even though moments of life can be tough, and we lose things that are very dear to us, I believe God is always there. It says in Psalm 139:7-8, “Where can I go from Your Spirit (God)? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.” God is there for us and He wants to meet with us every day. It’s up to us to invite Him to help us as we go through the ups and downs. If we invite God in our life situations, He will meet us right where we’re at!


By Benjamin Budde

Guest columnist

The writer is a husband, father, preacher, writer, artist, musician and songwriter. Ben and his wife, Missy, reside with their three sons in St. Marys.

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