Out of the past


125 Years

January 15, 1893

Two sleds took a delegation of Osceola Encampment to New Bremen this afternoon. The members took seats in straw that came up to the shoulders and each was wrapped up in a way to expose only half and eye and a fractional nostril. They will be unable to see anything but the sky until New Bremen is reached.


George Hemm, the well-known nurseryman, died a few minutes after 6 o’clock this morning at his home on South Main avenue. Born in Germany in 1824, he came to Sidney in April 1855 from Toledo and started his nursery.

100 Years

January 15, 1918

J.W. Pfeil is moving his drug store from the Wagner House block to the Pfeil building on the north side of the square. Mr. Pfeil has been in the Wagner House block ever since he started in business for himself 27 years ago. The new location will give him additional space.


A play entitled “Magnanimity, “ written by Miss Ida Hall of the high school, will be presented by members of the senior class on Jan. 28. Members of the cast include, Edwin Stang, John Harmony, John Imboden, Forrest Snow, Virgil Carmony, John Scott, Ruth Kiser, Daisy Russell, William Quinn, and Edwin Richards.

75 Years

January 15, 1943

Special agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and representatives of the Army ordinance division were in Sidney today to probe all angles in Shelby county’s heaviest fire loss in history yesterday afternoon, when flames destroyed Plant No. 2 of the Copeland Refrigeration Corp. on South Brooklyn avenue. The estimated loss on the plant which was recently remodeled for production of aircraft engine carburetors is expected to exceed $750,000.


Members of the Shelby County Junior Fair board of directors named their officers when they met Saturday at the court house. Elmer Allen was elected president; Frederick Egbert, vice president; June Helman, secretary; Virginia Hoewischer, assistant secretary; William Stewart, treasurer; Arthur Weheneman, news reporter.

50 Years

January 15, 1968

With the snow apparently tapering off at noon today, highway crews were hopeful they had seen the worst of the storm that dumped from five to six inches of new snow on this area over the weekend. The storm, which began late Saturday and continued off and on throughout Sunday and today, made highway dangerous and resulted in the closing of schools in many places.

All rural schools in Shelby county were closed today, when highway conditions made transportation difficult for buses. A total accumulation of nine inches of snow was on the ground at 5:45 a.m. today, the highway department headquarters reported. This included snow on the ground before the recent storm moved in.

25 Years

January 15, 1993

WASHINGTON – President Bush has decided to take military action against Iraq because of threatening moves by Saddam Hussein, an administration official says.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity late Tuesday, said the president has agreed “in principle” to strike. The official gave no indication of the precise timing or scale of the attack.


Eighth grader Paulo Winterstein was the winner of the Bridgeview Middle School geography bee held Thursday.

Winterstein, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mario Winterstein, 643 Oak Ridge Drive, was one of 22 students who qualified for the event.

Winterstein is now eligible to take a written examination to see if he qualified for the state competition.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org

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