HOUSTON — The Hardin-Houston Local Schools Board of Education swore in three, newly elected members during its organizational meeting, Monday, Jan. 15.
Bill Clark, Barri Grandey and Christine Helman were each sworn in for four-year terms.
The board also appointed member Jason Shaffer as president for 2018 and member Joel Knouff as vice president. Knouff was also appointed as legislative liaison for 2018.
Superintendent Larry Claypool was appointed as purchasing agent, and the board president was appointed as alternate purchasing agent for the year.
The board authorized the treasurer to borrow money, invest funds, request advance draws from the county auditor and make transfers and advances as necessary; authorized the superintendent and treasurer to attend meetings and conferences in the interest of the school district; and authorized the superintendent to accept resignations and hire employees between board meetings.
The board established the regular meeting dates for the 2018 calendar year as the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m., and adopted the board member’s rate of pay as $50 per meeting, not to exceed 15 meetings per calendar year.
The board approved the amount of $3,000 for the board service fund for 2018 and also approved the following committees:
• Finance/Audit: Joel Knouff and Jason Shaffer.
• Technology: Jason Shaffer and Christine Helman.
• Curriculum: Christine Helman and Barri Grandey.
• Building/Transportation: Bill Clark and Joel Knouff.
• Community Foundation of Shelby County: Barri Grandey and Bill Clark.
The BOE’s regular monthly meeting followed its organizational meeting, Monday, during which the board approved the professional design services agreement with Freytag and Associates Inc. for baseball field improvements.
The board also approved the 2018 eighth-grade Washington, D.C., trip from Oct. 22 to Oct. 26.
The next regular board meeting will be Monday, Feb. 19, at 7 p.m. in the Media Center.